Hey there!
It’s that time of year where we reflect and revaluate the programs we have in place in our classrooms. I have been implementing a computational fluency program in my classroom for over 10 years doing small modifications here and there. This summer I decided to give it a bit of an overhaul adding more accommodations and choice for differentiation as well as ways to reinforce the learning.
I attended a conference this summer and one of the classes was on how we can accommodate all levels of learners. I took away a lot of great ideas. Some I was already implementing and some I was like “HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT?!” I first made a modification to my math tests. I placed a dotted line half way through the test. This will help if a child is not passing a level with interventions/practice in place. Cutting or folding the test in half can help to lower anxiety or other various needs. *I have also orally assessed kids in the past to help with anxiety or mind to hand fine motor memory.*
Next, I added some fun games that were interchangeable for each level. I am a big believer in math games reinforcing concepts. Before I had a variety of math games all focusing on number sense, but with these games they will be working with the kiddos specific math facts. The more they see those facts the more likely they will be able to build automatic recall.
I use math games everyday in my math workshop. After assessing student understanding with pre-assessments I break my class up into two or three groups. Each group will get a different mini-lesson focusing on their needs right now. I will introduce new concepts or review previously taught skills depending on that groups needs. While I am doing that mini-lesson with the first group, one group is playing math games and the others are doing a technology piece or seat work activity. The reason why I don’t do “fast finishers” to math games/technology is that those kids who struggle or who aren’t as quick never got to the games and technology and those are valuable tools in their learning. I feel so much better about this strategy!
Over the last couple years our school has been focusing on growth mindset so with that in mind I changed the “pass” vs. “not pass” at the top of each assessment to “pass” and “not yet”. Simple things like that can help kiddos build confidence and strengthen their grit.
I have really loved this program as well as my parent community. It is clear and easy to manage once you decide how it will look in your classroom. I have co-ran it with a parent volunteer or instructional aid as well as solely ran by parent volunteers with weekly flash card and strategy practice, correcting and graphing and refiling tests. It’s up to you!
Here are a few more components that are all a part of the program… I also have it posted in my store, just click on this link: Math Fact Fluency Program to check it out!
Have a great week and happy planning!
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